
Verb.Pr.St. Grace

Mare, *2005

Sir Donnerhall I from the St.Pr./El.St. Countess by Feingau
B.: Stable Troff


Grace's first offspring are successful in the dressage arena. Her daughter Grazia (by Fürst Romancier) is also currently being bred in the Troff stable.

Grace's sisters include the stallions Supremat (by Sandro Hit), Supremont (by San Amour I), Style (by San Amour I), Simonetti (by Stedinger) and the Grand Prix-successful Royal Mirage (by Rosario )/Marcus Hermes

The Gazelle mare line is cared for in the fifth generation at Stall Troff. The foundation mare Gazelle (by Gazal) was Göko Troff's successful horse. There are currently seven mares from the Gazelle line being bred in the Troff stable. Numerous sport horses are bred by the Troff stable, such as the Grand Prix dressage horses Francesco (by Florencio I)/Robyn Allana Mcdonald Smith/GBR, Friesen Ball (by Fürstenball)/Andrea Timpe, Duke Rubin (by Decamerone)/ Juliette Piotrowski or Princess Bea OLD (by Fürstenball)/Beata Stremler/POL.


2011: Grazia ST by Fürst Romancier

2012: Flash Dance ST by Fürst Romancier

2014: Friedemann ST by Fürst Romancier

2016: Gloria by Fürstenball

2018: Flashdance ST by Fürstenball

2019: Graciosa ST by Fürst Toto

2020: Velton ST by Vivino

2023: Gaya by Fürst Zonik

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